The Energy Innovation Initiative is supporting expanded training and educational opportunities for students, professionals, and the broader community. We are using the Initiative as an opportunity to expand Colorado Law’s upper-division course offerings in this area. To that effect, we began offering Renewable Energy Project Finance & Development in the fall of 2012 (taught by adjunct professor Mark Safty), which complements our existing course on Energy Law & Regulation. We are also developing a potential short session course on mineral title work to complement our existing Oil & Gas course. And we intend to develop additional courses on clean technology, entrepreneurship, and transactional law.
The Initiative will also support an internship program for law students. Part of this involves a partnership with CU Cleantech at the Leeds School of Business to place JD and MBA students with leading companies in the clean technology area. We have also been reaching out to law firms, oil and gas companies, electric utilities, state and federal regulators, and energy services companies to build out an internship program focused on the broader energy sector. Suggestions for and, more importantly, participation in the internship program would be most welcome.
Going forward, we will be working with the Law School’s new Director of Special Projects to develop an LLM program in energy innovation as well as summer institutes and training programs.